Singaporeans feel hopeful, confident about Lawrence Wong taking over as the PM of Singapore
Most people consider him competent, especially GenZ members of the population
10 months agoArticle
One in eight Singaporeans are ‘very worried’ about getting Covid
Washing hands regularly is the most common precaution among all the generations, notably higher among GenX and Baby Boomers
about 1 year agoArticle
Young Singaporeans more likely to say they are ready for an ethnic minority Prime Minister
YouGov's new survey reveals Singaporeans attitudes towards the future of politics in Singapore
over 1 year agoArticle
Singapore Polls: Public Polling Methodology Statements
YouGov will publish Methodology Statements which will include full question wording, weighting information, the margin of error associated with the effective sample size for the research, and the method in which respondents were recruited.
over 1 year agoArticle
Singaporeans prioritise integrity as the most important attribute of a President
YouGov's latest poll reveals the expectations of people from their President
over 1 year agoArticle
These are the five issues that consumers across APAC are most worried about
Here’s what troubles most consumers in APAC.
over 1 year agoArticle
TikTok’s CEO wowed Singapore with his US House performance – has he also boosted the brand’s image?
How has Singapore consumer perception of TikTok changed since its Singaporean CEO’s lauded US Congressional hearing in March?
almost 2 years agoArticle
IWD 2023: Do women in APAC think life has gotten better & will get better for the next generation?
Do women in APAC think life has gotten better & will get better for the next generation?
almost 2 years agoArticle
Data privacy: how concerned are consumers in APAC – and does it affect the devices they buy?
Here’s how data privacy concerns in APAC vary across generations and markets – and influence consumer electronics purchases.
about 2 years agoArticle
New Year of the Rabbit: are attitudes towards meat-eating and plant-based substitutes changing?
What proportion of Singaporeans are trying to eat less meat and switch to plant-based alternatives?
about 2 years agoArticle
Majority of Singaporeans positive about country and government performance: YouGov
Cost of living and housing affordability emerged as the areas which citizens would like the government to place greater focus on
about 2 years agoArticle
Three in ten S’pore adults say stigmas around mental illnesses are declining
A majority also think it is important for people to talk about mental health
over 2 years agoArticle
Six in ten S’pore adults think the S’pore Grand Prix has had a positive impact on the country
Tourism and entertainment cited as the areas enjoying the most positive impact, while environment was said to have suffered the most
over 2 years agoArticle
Do celebrity endorsements and moral messaging matter when engaging consumers in Singapore?
Do celebrity endorsements and moral messaging matter when engaging consumers in Singapore?
over 2 years agoArticle
S’pore adults intend to always mask up on private transport and at airports
Despite lifting of mandate, people are still uncomfortable without masks in certain places
over 2 years agoArticle
Majority of Singaporeans feel positively about PM Lee’s National Day Rally speech
Economic challenges, removal of the compulsory mask mandate, and repeal of Section 377A were also found to be top issues among voters
over 2 years agoArticle
What do Singaporeans intend to do this National Day? Watch the parade online and stay home
One in three also say Singaporeans are becoming less patriotic
over 2 years agoReport
Global: To what extent do people use social media to catch up on the news?
As Facebook puts news on the back burner, we ask to what extent is social media used globally as a major source of news?
over 2 years agoArticle
S’pore citizens want more aid beyond the government’s inflation relief package
With almost all respondents saying costs of living have increased over the past year, demand for greater support signals citizens could be feeling pressure of rising costs
over 2 years agoArticle
S'pore residents anticipate their cost of living to increase, plan to cut non-essential spending
A majority of residents are not hopeful about their future financial situation and expect it to remain the same or get worse in the next 12 months
over 2 years ago