Samuel Tan is a data journalist and business content manager based in Singapore. He uncovers consumer insights on issues impacting businesses in APAC markets, by leveraging YouGov’s brand tracking, customer segmentation and custom research tools (BrandIndex, Profiles, Surveys).
Apple touts Safari as best browser for privacy: But how many consumers worry about web surveillance?
What proportion of netizens have taken steps to protect their privacy on the internet – across various markets and browsers?
01 Aug 2024Article
Dior to launch menswear collection with Hamilton: How popular is F1 with luxury fashion shoppers?
How popular is F1 auto racing with luxury shoppers – and which brands would F1 followers most consider buying from?
01 Aug 2024Article
Brewing change: Are coffee drinking habits in Singapore changing in the face of rising prices?
Dive into Singapore’s most popular coffee chains, and how consumption patterns are changing as bean prices grow.
26 Jul 2024Article
Cathay Pacific loyalty program turns 25: Are its recent member deals making an impact?
Here’s how ad awareness, consumer chatter and consideration of Cathay Pacific changed in recent weeks.
18 Jul 2024Article
Tosh Rock raps McDonald’s fried chicken: Should fast food chains tap music artistes to woo diners?
Do many fast food eaters follow their favourite music artistes on social media – and which platforms are most popular?
18 Jul 2024Article
Virtual advertising comes to the Euros: Do APAC’s football fans notice sports sponsorships?
And how likely are football fans to support their sports teams by buying products/services from their teams’ sponsors?
11 Jul 2024Article
ZALORA launches new AI chatbot: Do most shoppers enjoy the ease of 24/7 automated customer support?
Do most fashion retail shoppers in markets ZALORA is rolling their AI customer agent out like interacting with chatbots?
04 Jul 2024Article
Local vs Imported food: Which do most consumers in Singapore prefer and why?
How often consumers buy locally sourced food, why some prefer it and others imported, what will encourage more to buy local?
28 Jun 2024Article
Customer reward programs: what benefits are most attractive to consumers in Singapore?
What customer loyalty program perks are most popular? Do these vary with the kind of product/service being purchased?
18 Jun 2024Article
Singapore’s top customer reward apps: which consumer loyalty programs are most popular?
What proportion of Singaporeans are customer reward program members – and which consumer loyalty schemes are most popular?
18 Jun 2024