Singapore Airlines best perceived brand by women

Kim HoPR Manager
March 05, 2019, 7:53 AM GMT+0

Singapore Airlines has topped YouGov’s latest women’s brand rankings.

YouGov Plan & Track data ranks the brands that have left the most positive impression on women.

Five of the top ten comprises of Singaporean brands. Singapore Airlines remains the top contender in this year’s top ten, with the best impression score of 66.6. It follows Changi Airport in fourth place (53.4). Popular Singaporean landmark Gardens by the Bay comes in sixth (49.4), followed by tourist destination Universal Studios Singapore in eighth (42.1). Local bank DBS comes in tenth (41.3).

Singaporean women also have a positive impression of digital brands. Social messaging app WhatsApp comes in second (61.2), followed by video sharing platform YouTube in fifth (49.7) and Apple iPhone in seventh (42.2).

The list is completed by Japanese retailer Uniqlo in third (55.7) and McDonald’s in ninth (42.0).

The rankings also reveal which brands have seen the biggest increase in Impression among women over the past year. Subscription video on demand service Netflix, heads this list with a score increase of +9.3 points. It is followed by the Samsung Note phone (up +7.6 points) with that sub-brand’s parent, Samsung, in third (up +6.7 points).

Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “It is tough to leave a lasting good impression on consumers, but Singaporean brands and digital brands have managed to leave a positive one over Singaporean women. While airlines in general struggle to maintain consistent positive brand health, Singapore Airlines have managed to solidifying its position as a top brand amongst women.”